A fan’s tribute to David Bowie.

This week saw the sad news that David Bowie had passed away after a private 18 month battle with Cancer. Only a few days after his birthday. David was a ground breaking artist. One of the first artists to say ‘Stuff it’ and wear dresses and make up. One of the first artists to create a character for their music.  Numerous number one singles and albums under his belt, and acting jobs to boot. One of those musicians who wasn’t afraid to break boundaries, to try something new. His death is going to be one of those ones where you remember where you were when the news broke. (At home, on the computer eating cereal)

Like a lot of people I was a fan of Bowie. He stared in my all time favourite film, Labyrinth, and I had an equally strong connection to his music.

Bowie’s role in Labyrinth is an iconic role. His acting incredible, and his costumes leaving very little to the imagination. Did you know the sounds of the baby in ‘Dance Magic Dance’ were created by Bowie himself? It’s quite possible his most memorable role, and rightly so.

Although my first glimpse of Bowie had been in Labyrinth, it was my grandad who got me into David’s music. As with most grandparents my grandad loved Queen, Bowie, The Beatles, The rolling Stones, and similar. So a lot of my music taste comes from there. We used to chill out in the living room with the little cd player and listen to David Bowie and Queen for hours, I’d sing along and dance around and he would be my audience and backing singer.

When my grandad died and I needed a boost I’d stick Bowie on, dance around the room and pretend I was a little girl again. His music could bring back so many memories not just for me, but many people, so clearly.

His music featured in various films and tv shows, including two British police dramas named after his songs. Ashes to Ashes and Life on Mars, and influenced many modern artists such as Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, and many more, Including Ryan Hamilton, who created a piece of artwork of Bowie:  BowieCredit: Ryan Hamilton. 

Ryan also had these words to say: My artistic heroes are the ones who aren’t afraid to put themselves out there like no one else has before. The ones who have the courage to say, ‘Here I am! I know I’m different and I don’t care!’. The ones who embrace their weirdness and confidently let their freak flags fly. No one did that better than David Bowie.

Many people posted tributes to the great man, showing how great of an influence he had been. His music will live on in his albums, and his acting in dvds.  We will always have him around in spirit.

Rest in piece David Bowie, 1947- 2016

Breaking hearts, and pulling hair.

Have you ever heard a little girl be told if a boy is mean to her it means he like likes her? Have you ever heard an impressionable teenager be told not to talk to other boys or girls if s/he’s in a relationship because it causes jealousy?

I have, and it makes me mad. Let me explain why:

If he’s mean it means he likes you. No it doesn’t. Treat them mean, keep them keen comes to mind, but that is just as much bull muck as the little boy being mean to a little girl because he wants a yucky kiss.

Not only does this make young children think it’s ok to be mean during that impressionable age, and make it a habit that’s hard to get out of. If that child never learns it is wrong it could progress as they get older and lead into a possible abusive relationship because ‘treat them mean keep them keen’ It promotes a very unhealthy way of thinking.   It’s an excuse for lazy parenting in my personal opinion.

As for the don’t talk to other people whilst in a relationship, talk about untrusting. What happened to relationships containing trust? Why can’t we trust our partners to talk to someone of the sex they are attracted to?

Why can’t we teach our young people that relationships are built on trust and care?  That to show someone you love them you shouldn’t pull their hair or pinch and poke them. That holding doors open and wishing someone a nice day is the way to go? Talking to someone of the sex you’re attracted to who doesn’t happen to be your partner isn’t a bad thing?

Let’s all teach our tiny humans that caring is the way forward, and banish this treat them mean keep them keen attitude to the past.