‘What is perfect, and how do I become it?’

I overheard a young girl say this the other day whilst I was walking through town, as she said it she pointed at her face. ‘What is perfect, and how do I become it?‘ And it got me thinking what is perfect? Why do we all strive to be it? Why do we all want to be the same?

Of course there have been times I’ve wished I looked what society called perfect, and there are times I wish I acted in a way society classed as perfect, but what is perfect? I feels like it changes all the time! One minute the magazines and tv say tanned, skinny with a thigh gap and blonde hair is perfect. Next minute it’s skin so pale it looks like snow and red hair. No matter how you look you will never be permanently perfect. One minute we’re told to be skinny, next we are told to be curvy.  We are told to be quiet and keep ourselves to ourselves, then we are told to be loud and confident. And that’s just the ideas thrust onto women! Of course men have ideals put onto them too! Nobody is safe from the perfect brigade! There is a temporary idea of perfect, that is it. You’ll see the latest instagram model online and you’ll strive to look like her, you’ll spend all your money on fad diets and hair dyes, fake tans and make up. But you’re still going to be you, and you know what? That is what makes you perfectly perfect.  Why try and be someone you know you aren’t? Does that not get exhausting? I find it exhausting pretending to be perfect, I know that much.

Why are we all striving to be perfect, when nobody can actually decide what perfect is? EMBRACE who you are! If we all acted the same and looked the same life would be boring! Wear that shirt you’ve had your eye on, Try that lip colour even though its not fashionable. Wear those jeans, shout if you want to shout or be quiet if you want to be quiet. Eat the damn cake and enjoy yourself. You get one life, don’t waste it by worrying about if you are perfect to other people or not.

You are beautiful, talented and smart. Even if you don’t feel it. You’ll find love and you’ll get what you dream of. Don’t change yourself! Embrace yourself.